The Methodological Norms (the killing norms) were adopted to fight rabies and protect human health, and killing is NOW taking place across the country. Often this is death by grotesque means. Encouraged by governmental exhortation, this is being enacted in the streets, in shelters, in the fields and in the woodlands.
And YOUR money is supporting this! YOUR money!
The EU have the power to freeze this funding until a humanely compliant strategy is adopted. But will they?
Your voice can decide! Your voice can be heard in the Hallowed Halls of the EU where elections are due in May!
Your voice can ask: "Which of these helpless creatures did MY money kill today? MY money! In MY Europe!"
Write to your MEPs!
Please write to your MEPs (Members of the European Parliament) and ask them to pose to the EU Commission the questions 1 – 4, as set out below.
1. Does the Commission agree that it has legal competence to intervene in the issue of Romanian dogs based on EU legislation on Public Health? (If not, why not?)
2. Does Romania’s Rabies Eradication Programme mention dog population control among the measures to be carried out?
3. Does the Commission agree that Romania’s Rabies Eradication Programme should urgently be clarified by way of an explicit condition as follows: Romania must implement long-term measures at the national level for the management of the dog population in accordance with international best practice. In other words, the current “Catch & Kill” policy should be replaced by more efficient and humane measures. (If not, why not?)
4. Does the Commission continue to exclude the possibility that EU funds are, directly or indirectly, being used to finance the multi-million euro “Catch & Kill” dog management business in Romania via local administration budgets? (If so, on what grounds?)
Please write to your MEPs and urge them to share the grave concern of European citizens, and to support our initiative. Also, please tell them that - in light of the upcoming EU-elections - you would like to know what he/she has done, or intends to do, in this matter.